Not me. Just a stock photo. |
I continued to ace the tests, though. That is until one day in February. It happened to be Friday, and it happened to be the 13th.
The word was "carriage." I swear I included the "i" but somehow it was missing from my paper. And so, for the first, and only time that entire school year, I missed a spelling word. My mom claims it was because I never studied, but what do moms know? I never studied all year, so why would that test be any different?
I'll tell you why. It's because it was Friday the 13th! That's why!
And so I became what some people call "superstitious." I call it logical. If the only bad thing to ever happen to me happened on Friday the 13th, then, of course, I'm going to be careful on all other Friday the 13ths! To this day I will not take a test on a Friday the 13th (thank goodness I'm no longer a student), and I am very cautious in all my other activities on that day. You can never be too careful!
Except that bad luck struck once again.
It was Friday, 13 September 2013. My wife wanted to celebrate the day and mock the superstition of it by watching a scary movie. I thought we better not tempt Friday the 13th like that, but I also thought my wife was pretty excited about it and so I figured I should humor her like any good husband would.
We eventually settled on the movie Abandoned, simply because it sounded creepy. And creepy it was! See, this woman takes her boyfriend to the hospital, checks him in, meets the nurse, and then leaves while he is in surgery. She comes back a couple hours later and finds out he wasn't in the hospital's system and nobody knew the nurse she met. Turns out (and here's your spoiler alert, but it's a stupid movie, so just do yourself a favor and never watch it) her "boyfriend," the "nurse," and some sweet old guy she met in the hospital restaurant were all in a scheme to steal money from the bank she worked at.
So we're watching this thing, and it was really starting to get to my wife. It's getting particularly intense, we're not sure if what we know is real, the main character is imagining things that aren't really there, and suddenly she freaks out and says, "What was that?!"
Well, I was just a little bit concerned about the effect this movie was having on my poor wife. Now she was imagining things, too. She tells me that she was pretty sure she saw a mouse.
Fortunately, we had a flashlight nearby and I shined the light around and didn't see anything. I knew she had to be crazy because the path that this imaginary mouse would have had to take would have rustled some papers on the floor near the entertainment center. No such thing had happened, therefore my wife was being driven to insanity by this ridiculous, yet slightly creepy movie.
It happened two more times, and on the third time, she said it went out in the hall. I shined the flashlight out in the general direction my wife had pointed and lo and behold, there was a mouse peering out from under a mat.
Well, gosh darn it. Why did we have to tempt Friday the 13th with a scary movie? I had avoided bad luck for 15 and a half years on this horrible day! And now we tempted fate and brought upon ourselves a terrible curse.
So I put on my bravest face and set out to catch this thing. I thought back to my childhood and realized the only way I knew how to catch a mouse was to give it a cookie. But we didn't have any cookies. And so instead I got my wife (who was standing atop our couch at this point) her socks, shoes, and purse. I cleared the hallway and watched every angle to make sure our furry little friend wouldn't come darting out as she raced past. And race past she did! I'm pretty sure she could out-sprint Usain Bolt if she thought she was being chased by a mouse. So she bolted (see what I did there?) out of the house and went to the store where she purchased some mouse traps.
While she was gone I called my grandparents and asked if we could stay the night at their place. Now before you judge us for running away from a tiny little creature, you have to remember that our mattress was on the floor. We had no bed frame, and therefore this little mouse could come cuddle with us in the night if he wanted. But no matter how much that mouse loved us, we did not love it.
And so we spent the night at my grandparents (THANK YOU) and even took the time to finish Abandoned. And then a mouse showed up in my grandparents' house. Just kidding. But it was a really dumb movie. Seriously. Don't waste your time.
IKEA should be grateful for the mouse that invaded our house. In fact, there are conspiracy theorists out there that believe IKEA actually released the mouse into our house. We had no intention of buying a bed frame or anything until we moved to a new place. For one thing, we couldn't fit a box spring down into our little basement apartment so we would have to get a frame that didn't need one and IKEA is the best place to get one of those. Also, we were still poor, so we figured we'd wait until taking a couple hundred bucks out of our account didn't bother us quite so much.
Our new bed frame! |
But sleeping on the floor while at least one mouse is in your house does not sound even a little bit fun. So we weren't even going to consider it. But before we went to get a bed frame we went home and checked the traps. And by we, I mean I. I tried to claim a seat at the top of the stairs while my wife went and checked the traps, but apparently, it's my job to deal with mice.
So I checked all the traps and discovered I had set them wrong. These aren't your traditional mousetraps. They're the ridiculous kind with a fake cheese pallet that comes with vague instructions on the back. So I reset them, properly this time, which I knew because I almost killed my finger.
After resetting all the traps, we made our first ever trip to IKEA in search of the perfect bed frame. IKEA is a cool place! We may go back one day to furnish more of our home. Unless we find out the conspiracy theorists were right. Then we're going to release thousands of mice in their store for vengeance. And I really hope nobody ever does that or we'll be the number one suspects now...
We then went home so that I could watch the Texas A&M versus Alabama football game. I missed it the year before and it was a good one so I wasn't about to make the same mistake twice, with or without a mouse running around our home.
So close! |
I crept forward, careful not to disturb this restful creature. I was ready to launch the water bottles the second it tried to dash away. But it never bolted like I expected it to, but rather it began to slowly meander away from me. Regardless, the movement startled me into pulling the trigger and launching the first bottle toward him. I missed that poor creature by a fraction of an inch. I quickly threw the other water bottle at it and narrowly missed once more. But the mouse didn't dart away like I expected. Instead, it started walking like it was completely drunk.
It wandered aimlessly in little circles, occasionally tripping over itself as though it was absolutely hammered. After a few minutes of struggle, the poor thing just keeled over and died, right in front of us, right in our hallway.
The video is really shaky (I apologize for that) and I didn't start filming until the most entertaining bit was over, and I stopped filming before it actually died, but this will help you visualize what was going on:
The video is really shaky (I apologize for that) and I didn't start filming until the most entertaining bit was over, and I stopped filming before it actually died, but this will help you visualize what was going on:
What we think happened is that it chewed on the little D-Con cheese pallets the night before when we first set the traps and poisoned itself. It must have been dying when I started throwing things at it, and the close encounters must have given the poor little guy a heart attack and killed it.
What a wonderful blessing, though! It came and died right in front of us so that we wouldn't have to wonder if it was still wandering around our home. I still had to clean it up, however. I did, with work gloves on, and by picking it up with a shovel. I wasn't going near that thing!
We rejoiced, knowing that this mouse was no longer wreaking havoc in our home! But a few days later we discovered he had a friend. Or maybe a lover out for revenge, we don't know.
Once again we settled in to watch TV, and once again it was my dear wife who said she thought she saw another mouse. And once again, I thought she was losing it. I thought she was still feeling the ill effects of a Friday the 13th gone wrong, and that the first mouse had freaked her out to the point she was imaging another one a few days later.
But then I saw it. It ran into the corner of the room behind our couch, and then it would try and run toward the doorway but I would force it back. Since we knew where it was trying to go, I went and grabbed one of our mouse traps we now had scattered throughout our house. And since it had worked out so well last time I also grabbed a water bottle to throw at it.
See where it says "GUARANTEED TO KILL"?!?!??!?!?!?!?! |
But you'll never believe what happened. My plan worked to perfection. The mouse started toward the door, right toward my trap. Then it started to sniff the cheese pallet. And then it CLIMBED RIGHT ON TOP OF THE STUPID THING AND IT DIDN'T SNAP!!! So that is why the first mouse had lived. And I was so stunned that the trap failed that I forgot to chuck the water bottle on the rodent's head while it was sitting contently on top of my trap. I did yell though, angry that the trap didn't work. And I startled the mouse back to its corner under our couch.
At this point, my wife decided she was going to hide in our room, so she darted past, closed the door behind her, stuffed towels under it as tightly as she could, and barricaded it closed with the bookshelf or something, though I don't know that part for sure.
I called my best friend and had him come over and help me because I didn't really have the thing cornered by myself, but was pretty sure we could do it with two people. So he hurried over and I sat by the door to make sure that stupid thing couldn't sneak past me and escape. When my friend arrived, we tried to force it out so we could catch it or kill it, but it wasn't budging. After multiple attempts, we lifted the couch to force it out of its hiding place but somehow it was gone. We checked for holes along the wall, inside the couch itself, and found absolutely nothing. Somehow it had slipped past me and disappeared somewhere in our house.
We never saw him (or her, if it really was a rage-filled lover of the first mouse) again.
Our house was then armed with spin traps, glue traps, D-Con, and noise making rodent repellents. We didn't see a mouse in our home after those first two, but from time to time we heard one in our walls, generally the wall just right behind our bed (naturally). They would scratch and claw and scurry around. It was really a terrible way to live so you can bet your bottom dollar we didn't stay here a day beyond our contract's completion.
And you can also bet that we aren't going to tempt Friday the 13th ever again. On an unrelated note, does anyone want to have us over all day today?
This blog was originally published on 12 December 2013 on another site. It has been updated slightly but the story remains the same.
I called my best friend and had him come over and help me because I didn't really have the thing cornered by myself, but was pretty sure we could do it with two people. So he hurried over and I sat by the door to make sure that stupid thing couldn't sneak past me and escape. When my friend arrived, we tried to force it out so we could catch it or kill it, but it wasn't budging. After multiple attempts, we lifted the couch to force it out of its hiding place but somehow it was gone. We checked for holes along the wall, inside the couch itself, and found absolutely nothing. Somehow it had slipped past me and disappeared somewhere in our house.
We never saw him (or her, if it really was a rage-filled lover of the first mouse) again.
Our house was then armed with spin traps, glue traps, D-Con, and noise making rodent repellents. We didn't see a mouse in our home after those first two, but from time to time we heard one in our walls, generally the wall just right behind our bed (naturally). They would scratch and claw and scurry around. It was really a terrible way to live so you can bet your bottom dollar we didn't stay here a day beyond our contract's completion.
And you can also bet that we aren't going to tempt Friday the 13th ever again. On an unrelated note, does anyone want to have us over all day today?
This blog was originally published on 12 December 2013 on another site. It has been updated slightly but the story remains the same.